God Bless…

God bless TV – Series of the year (Grey’s Anatomy) night tonight!!! WoooooEEEE

God bless – salt and vinegar rice cakes – at last, a half way house for the diet conscious crisp lover!

God bless – coming home to an empty house – chilling alone, no need to communicate with others (no matter how near or dear) – absolute luxury!!!

God bless – a long drive home – lots of time to listen to Radio 4 – champion of radio stations!!

God bless – dear ol’ folks – who have been down at the house and have cut the grass!!! (despite their 80+ years!!!)

God bless – life in an environmentally safe country – free from earthquake, flood or drought 

Really – for all my complaints, I know my life is charmed.

About xtrekki

OK - I've been doing this for almost a year now and have still not mastered the mysteries of blogging!! WHAT are widgets? What are tags? Where on the dashboard do I find them or an explanation of how I can get them to work for me? In other aspects of my life I am fairly sharp. I could certainly be advisor to Hercule Poirot in unraveling his most impenetrable of cases. So - why oh why can I not figure out how to manage this bloomin' blog???????
This entry was posted in Current affairs, Books, Bookclubs, Grey's Anatomy, Stella, Adventures with friends, Shoes, Food, Wine, Family. And everything in between!!! and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to God Bless…

  1. kileen says:

    salt and vinegar rice cakes? I will have to investigate.

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